Glee hello goodbye which episode

Would you guys mind, like, including me in your conversations? Santana: Let us give you an introduction into the way that we work. You buy us dinner, and we make out in front of you.

Candles are lit on the coffee table. Will: This is the perfect song for us. Will: [sighing] Oh. They continue kissing on the couch as the music builds, until Emma pushes him off. She liked to have Bruckheimer night every other week. Will leaves the couch to put on the movie, which can be heard in the background. Emma looks sad. James with hearts on it taped to the inside of her locker door. Finn approaches.

Finn: Look, I wanna apologize. Only you. We make it to regionals, and suddenly the top guy in our main competition picks you up? Move on, Finn. I finally have. Sue: Ladies, I misjudged you. I once taught a cheerleading seminar to a young Sarah Palin. Sue: Ohh. Bringing down this club may be easier than I thought. I am engorged with venom and triumph. Now get the hell out of my office. Shelby: Stop, please. Dear God, just stop. Could everyone please look at Jesse? Jesse, give us a show face.

Take five, everybody, drink a Red Bull. Camera cuts to Will in doorway. He approaches Shelby. But I also have trouble seeing you guys as competition. Will: I believe you have a student named Jesse St. And I think he might be dating one of my students. Shelby: Noted. I mean, what can you do? The heart wants what the heart wants.

Shelby: I spend every waking moment thinking about Vocal Adrenaline. I have no life. Shelby: Thanks. I did lie to you earlier. I do know who you are. I saw you at our fall invitational. I thought you were really cute. Will: You know, I know what you mean about, uh, being obsessed with work. Shelby: I think you need to take some time to reintroduce yourself to yourself. Seems to me you need to take a little breather. Look …. Shelby: That hair, that dimple, that terrible clunker you drive.

When you get things sorted out, give me a call. Thank you for the coffee. And the making out? Rachel: Okay, look. Jesse and I might not be true love, but what if we are?

I know who I am. And how many chances at this am I gonna get? Mercedes: How could you do this to us? Now, is that still true or not? Sue: And I also understand you have a serious suitor in the form of a piping hot hunk wad from another district, but that your fellow glee clubbers are so incensed with betrayal, they barely have time to apply Freeze Off to the clusters of warts between their knuckles.

Sue: Outstanding. On to step two: round up a bunch of moustache-sporting teenage girls with glandular conditions. Anything else? Lauren: I know how torn you must be, Berry. So, the next time I stepped onto the mat, I pinned him so hard it ruptured his scrotum, ending his run for the state championship, and my run for his heart.

To my team, I was a legend. But I relished this victory in solitude. Or you might end up like Dottie here —. Rachel, you need to become even more narcissistic and self-centered than you already are.

Think of yourself, your potential happiness. If not, join the club. A measuring tape is involved. The door opens and Terri walks in. And I know he keeps a key under the mat. Emma: I take no pleasure in your pain, Terri. But I am enjoying seeing Will get a second chance at happiness, yes.

Terri: Oh, you poor girl. But I doubt Will remembers. He goes to the market for milk, comes home with a pack of gum. Terri, pausing: Ask him. Jesse: Most spots are 2, watts. This one is 10 times brighter. Rachel: I have to ask you something. Not literally, but emotionally. Jesse: You know Jesse St. James, the star of Vocal Adrenaline, your competition at regionals.

The guy who would never hurt you. Will: I get home last night, and it was like some ghost had laid out this beautiful, romantic meal for me. A ghost who wears your perfume. Emma: I was just in the library. As he reads, his face falls. He looks up at Emma, who nods back. Emma: I wanted to surprise you on Wednesday. Terri came by and, um, told me about the prom, about the song.

Emma: I know, I know, not consciously. We were naive. I think sometimes we spend so much time with these kids that we start acting like them. I think this song is just the beginning of you repeating the same patterns. Emma: I think that you need to spend some time alone.

I think you need to get to know yourself. Will looks at her for a few moments before slowly leaving, closing the door on his way out. Emma sits at her desk and closes the yearbook. Finn: No, not just for the team. For us. You and me. Then I realized, the only thing I needed to fix was us. I want us to be together, Rachel, a real couple. Look, I even circled some dates on your crazy calendar. You know, we need, we need to focus on regionals. And I appreciate your offer, but in the spirit of being a team player, I have to decline.

Finn: Hey, whoa. Song takes place on auditorium stage. Guys are wearing black suits with skinny ties, girls sleeveless black dresses with big white bows on their chests. Hello, hello I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello Hello, goodbye!

Hello Hello, hello Hello Hello, goodbye! Rachel: Hello! Mercedes: Oh, oh, oh, oh! Hey, hey, hey-lo-la! Rachel: Hey-lo-laaaa! Rachel: Hey, hey, yeah! Rachel with Finn New Directions : Hey-la! I say hello! Hello, hello! I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello Mercedes: Say hello! While the boys chose Rating: 5. I have awesome gaydar. Santana Permalink: I'm a closet lesbian and a judgmental bitch, which means one thi Glee Photos.


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