Can you replay songs on pandora

All Pandora listeners receive skips. Pandora listeners who use our ad-supported radio service get a limited amount of skips per day; however, if one of those listeners hits the skip limit, then they may be given the option to unlock more skips by engaging with an advertisement. Pandora Plus and Pandora Premium listeners receive unlimited skips on most devices, with the exception of a portion of our collection that are not eligible to be skipped given certain licensing restrictions.

Replays are available to all listeners on computers and mobile devices. Replays allow listeners to play back songs from their session history.

The Replay button is located to the far left of the thumbs and skip controls. Ad-supported listeners will be prompted to watch a video ad when they tap the replay button. Once the ad is complete the track selected will replay. Most songs from their session history can be played back until the replay reward is used up. Pandora Plus and Pandora Premium subscribers have replays included with their subscription. Tap the Replay button to playback eligible songs from the session history.

US Markets Loading H M S In the news. Nathan McAlone. Sign up for notifications from Insider! Stay up to date with what you want to know. Loading Something is loading. But he conceded Pandora also faces tough competitors.

He said Pandora's advantage is how it solves the "simplicity riddle," or making it easy for listeners to hear music they like with little effort.

Initially, Pandora Plus and the new skip and replay features will be available to US listeners on mobile devices. Pandora plans to bring the perks to other platforms over time, and they'll roll out to Australia and New Zealand next year. For nonpaying users, a new rewind icon in the lower left-hand corner of Pandora's app will let you rehear the song you were just playing or any tune in the listening history.

Clicking it will trigger a prompt asking if you want to watch an ad. Pandora currently allows six song skips per station per hour. Starting Thursday, when you hit that limit, the app will pop up a similar prompt asking if you'd like more skips in exchange for watching an ad. To use the replay feature, tap the replay button circle with back arrow on the left end of the player controls.

Ad-supported listeners will be prompted to watch a video ad to receive replays. You can then play back any song in your session history that has an active replay icon until your replays are used up. We have received reports that clearing the app data has helped with this issue.


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